Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The grass is not always greener.

I wanted to write this to help remind some of you that sometimes life may not always be perfect. But its still a gift, and we should always be thankful. Something happened to me yesterday that I cant stop thinking about.

Yesterday at work, I knew that going in that day, that we were letting go our receptionist. And the story with her is we hired her to give her a chance. She had only worked at a couple places and she was young. She is the sweetest most positive girl that I have ever met. But, she wasn't the most polished person that our bosses were looking for. But over the short months that she was with us, I really got to know her. Like I said she was really young, just gotten into a relationship, and a month into her working for us, she found out she was pregnant. My heart ached, because her boyfriend was into some very hard drugs, and shortly after finding out, he ended up in jail. During that time, I saw her come alive, her belly grow, deal with money and family problems, and I could just tell that she was such a strong person, because no matter what she never ever complained. Some unfortunate events happened where we did have to let her go. Yesterday came, and she turns to me and tells me that just three days after her boyfriend had gotten out of jail, he stole her car, wrecked it, and wont be out of jail until after the baby is born, she's lost her apartment, and is now trying to live with her boyfriends parents. And I don't know about you, but I think if that had happened to me, I think I would of taken a darn personal day. And then to find out that we let her go. Now I know that each and every person has gone through their own hardships, god knows I have, and no matter how perfect of a life you may have, everyone has breakdowns every once and awhile. There's something that i've heard that I really try and live by and I remind myself ALOT

"if we each through all our problems in a pile, we'd probably grab ours right back"

And this is such an important thing. No matter what happens in life, take it with a smile, and walk away knowing that you are alive, and whatever hardships your going through are so worth it for that one fact.

I had to share that story, cause I cant really get it out of my head.  I hope this can open some minds about how to deal with hard times.

sweet dreams


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this story. Sometimes when I think I'm going through a hard time I try to think of how much worse so many other people have it and then I realize it's not so bad. I like the way you write and I'm looking forward to more of your posts :) I found you through Kandee's blog, she's the reason I started a blog last year too. Have a good day!
